benefits of Flutter app development

Benefits of Flutter App Development that you need to know 

If you are looking for the best technology to build mobile applications that run smoothly on any device as well as both operating systems android and iOS, Flutter will be the perfect technology to go with.

Whether you’re a business owner, app developer, or tech leader, you’ll always seek new technology that consumes less time, and cost and deliver a high-quality result.

Well, if you are a tech geek then hang tight because in this article we are gonna give you some insights about an amazing app development tool called ‘Flutter’.

But before moving to the main point which is what are the benefits of Flutter app development, firstly, we should know basic about flutter development.

What is Flutter app development?

Flutter was first launched as ‘Sky’ in 2015 at the ‘Dart Developer Summit’ organized by Google especially to run on the android operating system. As time passed this app development platform was modified which enabled the development of web, desktop, and mobile apps (in short cross-platform apps) for iOS, Android, macOS, Linux, Google fuchsia, and Windows.

Dart, a reactive programming language is used by Flutter to accelerate and simplify the development process compared to conventional approaches.

Flutter is a compilation of animation libraries and robust graphics which is also known as the Flutter framework, which makes it simple to create user interfaces that respond fluidly to touch.

Flutter is a fantastic cross-platform app development tool that is absolutely worth checking out because it is a single code base and allows internationalization.

Additionally, Flutter is a hybrid platform just like React Native or Xamarin.

Who is Flutter App Developer?

Before Flutter was introduced in the software development area, developers had to put twice as extra effort in because they had to rebuild and reconfigure the same thing for each platform i.e, iOS and android.

Flutter made this stuff so easy because it enabled businesses to reduce development expenses and eliminated the requirement of several software development teams. Due to the simplicity of their code bases, this platform also saves time.

  • However, Flutter developers must have extensive knowledge of programming languages such as Java, HTML, CSS3, and C++.
  • They should be familiar with version control tools such as Git and subversion.
  • Plus they must have expertise in Rest APIs, Dart programming language, and the integration of numerous third-party APIs.
  • The last and most important thing is they should be handy with debugging skills and troubleshooting code. 

According to a 2021 survey, there are 42% of developers have used Flutter to design and develop smartphone applications.

Now time, it is considered to be one of the top 4 mobile app development frameworks.

Some examples of Futter app development

There are over 26 thousand Flutter apps and 11 Billion downloads from the Google play store and App store.

You won’t believe us if we say the majority of apps you are using today are made using Flutter. I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true.

As of 2022, At least 26 significant apps have already used Flutter and gained popularity on a global scale. These industry behemoths are compatible with this software kit:

  • Tencent 
  • Sonos
  • BMW
  • eBay
  • Groupon 
  • Square
  • The New York Times 
  • And even Google

If you are looking for an agency that builds an app for you, we provide mobile app development services that drive excellent user experience. Our team of developers always stays up to day with the latest trends in technology and focuses on the result.

Look at the benefits of Flutter app development

1. Quickest app development platform

Because every element of Flutter is a widget and even the layouts are designed using the Dart, there is no need for connecting bridges. Flutter uses Dart programming language to create native codes therefore there is no need for a javascript bridge which makes it quick and responsive.

2. Develops cross-platform applications

The biggest flex is you can build apps for ios and android with the same codebase without moving between multiple platforms. This can help developers save a tonne of time and work. Additionally, it may also be used to make websites and build web apps.

3. Extensive widget library

Flutter has a number of strong fundamental widgets. The contemporary framework used to create Flutter widgets was modeled after React. The main concept is to create your user interface (UI) using widgets.

Widgets are primarily made to allow smartphone users to quickly access the most important data from any loaded app on the device’s home screen. Date, time, weather information, impending events, reminders, and similar information

4. Easily accessible and open source

The creation of Flutter apps is free of any fees or levies. Because of this, it is a desirable choice for businesses and programmers that want to produce top-quality apps without spending a lot of money. 

Well, if you are already an experienced chad of javascript then working with Dart language will be piece of cake for you believe us. Plus it is offering fully functional plugins which are part of the standard toolchain.  

Even if you can’t find an appropriate one let me tell you something, creating plugins using library and dev is one of the easiest tasks.

5. Google-backed platform

It receives a lot of support from Google as a Google product, and the tech juggernaut is continuously working to make it better. As a result, developers may have faith that Flutter will keep supporting them and expanding it.

6. Easy debugging

Flutter provides several in-built source-level debugging tools like memory & performance and timeline inspector which is supported by android studio and VS code. This makes finding and fixing bugs in Flutter apps simple. 

7. Automated testing

The Flutter framework also offers its own set of testing tools, and the Dart programming language provides strong support for automated testing. For developers to continuously optimize and raise the caliber of their apps.

8. Fully utilization of hardware and software

Apps developed using Flutter have access to all available hardware and software features. This implies that they are able to utilize functions like cameras, GPS, and fingerprint sensors. Additionally, they can make advantage of platform-specific capabilities like Face Recognition on Apple iOS or push alerts on Android applications.

9. Accessibility for different screen

Applications made using Flutter may be created with many aspect ratios and screen sizes. Because of this, making apps that look beautiful on phones, PCs, and tablets is simple.

10. outstanding interface for any complexity

The flexibility to personalize anything you wish appears to be the most remarkable feature of Flutter. Using native platforms to generate such a perspective is far more difficult.

This tool totally automated the process of producing the most popular realistic image without adding to the application load. Change the color, shape, or shadows, crop an image, or change it—here, you can put even the boldest concepts into practice with minimum effort and maximum comfort.

Also check out:- Types of web development

Certain Limitations of Flutter app development

As every coin has two sides and every face has two personalities Flutter has its limitations too. But let me clear out one thing for you; the advantages of Flutter app development have certainly outweighed the limitations so don’t worry you can completely trust this SDK.

Limitations of Flutter app development
  1. Enormous files

The size of apps created in Flutter is a significant drawback that cannot be ignored. Now in some circumstances and scenarios. These download sizes of files may be a serious problem, leading potential consumers to select a substitute.

Due to this downloading and updating the apps might take forever (just kidding however it will be a little longer). Google is striving to optimize the size, however, as of right now, this might be a problem for small-sized apps because built-in widgets increase the size.

  1. Lack of diversified libraries or plugins

Before choosing Flutter for app development, work on the planning and see what type of plugins and libraries will be needed for developing the app you have decided on and make sure that Flutter is offering all those requirements.

Finding appropriate libraries—even though they are free and open-source—will be an additional load for you because this SDK is new and has not yet gained adequate expertise in this area. 

  1. Programming languages are a must

Now if you want to use Flutter you have to be savvy about the programming language i.e, Dart. and trust me programmers’ wits about them. 

Although it is not popular as C++ and Java but dude you are gonna need it.


This is all about the benefits of Flutter app development and why should you choose Flutter for your next app. If you want a cost-efficient and excellent way of building a mobile application, this is the right technology to start with even if you are a beginner or an expert.

In addition to being a straightforward framework with UI components like buttons and sliders, Flutter is a complete software development kit with all the tools required to produce top-notch applications. Flutter has API interfaces, a visualization system, a variety of pre-made widgets, command-line tools, and many more.

It is ultimately up to you whether to use it or not. However, if you are interested in this profession and are new to it, we strongly advise you to use this platform to assess your skills and determine what further has to be reviewed.


1. What is Flutter vs React native?

Basically, both are cross-platform app development platforms but the major difference is the language; react native uses javascript while Flutter is based on Dart programming language.

Plus the frameworks are also different React Native employs the Flux framework, which also needs JavaScript bridging, whereas Flutter uses the 2D visual rendering package Skia.

Flutter is the most used framework for app development and React Native stands next to Flutter in the list.

Want to know what are the benefits of React Native, read this guide.

2. What is the Flutter framework?

To understand the Flutter framework it is essential that you know what the framework actually is, so it is a collection of numerous tools and resources used by software developers to create and maintain websites, online services, and web applications.

So similarly Flutter framework is a library of different tools and widgets to develop apps for ios and android operating systems on just one platform.  

3. Is Flutter a programming language?

No, Flutter is not a programming language but an app development tool consisting of the software development kit (SDK). However, the programming language used is called Dart.

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