e-commerce app features

13 E-commerce App Features that You Must Include

Since every user is used to shopping online using their mobile, building an eCommerce app became the first priority for new businesses.

Day by day technology is evolving new features and trends, therefore, your eCommerce app also needs to walk with current trends and future needs.

If you’re looking to build an extensive mobile application for your eCommerce business, you will have to add useful features and functionality that make your app stand out from the crowd.

In this article, we will be talking about some useful e-commerce app features that you must consider developing in your app in order to grow your business and increase your sales rate.

Take a look at the E-commerce app market overview

The e-commerce market is quickly growing in the market and more and more people prefer online shopping as they easily can order a product and get them at their doorstep without leaving a place.

According to a recent survey by Statista, revenue in the eCommerce market is expected to reach $4.11 trillion US dollars in 2023 and 3.56 trillion US dollar revenue in 2021. You can see the huge difference in the revenue.

And if we compare the growth rate of the eCommerce market, China is the first country that contributed to growing the eCommerce industry, the second is the United States and then the United Kingdom comes to this list.

Do you know which eCommerce platform played a vital role to grow the market, We all have been using these platforms to buy or sell products we want.

Amazon, Walmart, IKEA, Etsy, and eBay are giant eCommerce players who helped the USA to make the space in the list of top-loaded e-commerce market cap. Flipkart and Snapdeal also helped India to be the leader in this industry.

If we take a look at e-commerce app downloads, from 2017 to 2021, the download rate has increased by 11% and the rate is continually scaling.

After seeing these statistics, if you’re still not building an app for your business, then you’re missing a huge opportunity.

Must have e-commerce app features to boost your sales

As a reputable mobile app development services provider we ensure that every e-Commerce app we build has necessary features that improve the user journey and help business maximize their revenue.

So here break down the most must-have features in an online shopping app.

1. Quick registration procedure

Now, if a consumer visits your application for the first time and is looking to shop from your shop, this is the opening step. Here you need to make sure that the process is as easy as eating a pie. 

Because there is a strong possibility that your consumer will quit if this process is cumbersome.

Allowing customers to sign up or log in through email, phone numbers with OTP, and even third-party accounts like Google, Facebook, and Linkedin will optimize the registration procedure. 

This will reduce the consumer bouncing rate and facilitate more purchases.

Most e-commerce brands make this mistake which could result in a lower customer retention rate and lower sales ratio.

2. Dynamic Search feature

We also covered all details about this feature in our how to improve website user experience guide, and now we also want to cover up in this guide

This function is intended for online shops with significant product offerings and ensures that consumers can easily find what they’re looking for. Implement sophisticated search features such as sorting and filtering.

In order for the filters to accurately reflect the chosen filters, indicating that they are part of a given category, that they have particular features and characteristics, etc., the filters must be dynamically changed.

It’s crucial that the most significant and often used filters be displayed just at top of the list of filters and they are able to advance up the list dynamically, sparing the visitor from needing to scroll all the way down.

Integrating this feature into your app may improve users purchasing decisions.

3. Shopping through Livestream

Have you ever experienced shopping through live streaming?

We all are familiar with online shopping but this new feature is in trend since the pandemic This trend has changed the shopping experience in all ways.

The significant difference between Livestream and conventional shopping methods is rawness. 

The former is completely unfiltered and involves host and audience interaction. In contrast to conventional internet shopping, viewers can remark or ask questions, and the host can respond while they demonstrate or evaluate a product.

Since it launched, the Gen Z audience is moving towards this trend and due to its huge demand, all these big social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and amazon are rolling into it. 

You can see the example below

Shopping through Livestream

4. Augmented Reality (AR)

Well if we’re just talking about current trends then how can we forget about augmented reality?

There was a time we used to shop for products just by visiting websites or apps and choosing our favorite things but this is the time when we can shop virtually that feels like we’re shopping in reality.

According to a recent survey around one-third of shoppers in the United States will have used AR-powered technologies when buying products online by end of 2025.

Speaking of Augmented reality how can we restrain from talking about Metaverse; this hot chick is a revolutionary concept that’s changing the dynamics of online shopping.

By using VR, businesses may provide customers the opportunity to interact with the brand in a distinctive environment that tells its narrative and distinguishes itself. 

Customers will be more likely to remain longer in a store’s 3D environment if it is more comprehensive and interesting than when using a mobile phone app or a standard website to make a purchase.

It’s predicted that if your eCommerce app still has old and traditional features, You will no longer be surviving in the future.

5. Customised personal features

Delivering appropriate product offers and suggestions to clients after they have finished exploring items of their interest and made a purchase is advised. 

Nowadays, a lot of merchants utilize highly developed recommendation algorithms to boost customization.

It is simple to draw consumers’ attention to goods, deals, and discounts that appeal to them, increasing the likelihood that they will buy. 

Additionally, personalized content aids in boosting customer interaction with a brand and extending the business’s outreach. Customers thus develop more loyalty and are more inclined to return to your online store. 

Customization as per the client’s need has been used for quite some time.

6. Assistance through AI

Artificial intelligence is a blessing for e-commerce businesses and buyers both. Voice assistance is AI-driven technology that helps users find the exact product they’re looking for, without typing a single word.

This feature enhances the user experience by providing a better shopping experience for users. 

An interactive AI technology called voice AI employs voice commands to hear and understand instructions. The speech AI chatbot has given businesses a fantastic opportunity to serve clients since it can comprehend human speech and communicate with them. 

Processes are accelerated, productivity is increased, and operations are scaled.

About 55% of virtual assistant users favor voice recognition applications because they allow for hands-free device use. There is a $30 billion predicted increase in this market by 2024.

Technology is booming so why you’re running behind? Earlier you adopt technology, quickly you’ll see the growth.

Even after Google launched its image search update, people can find their desired product just by scanning the image on their mobile.

7. lightning-fast checkout

People don’t have time to go outside and explore the products, that’s why they prefer online shopping.

So you can think if users come to your website, and check out the product they want to buy but the final process takes two to three minutes to finish, what would happen?

Obviously, users will exit the site and go to your competitors.

So making this process as hassle-free as possible is in your hands.

Any contemporary eCommerce software must provide features like automated checkout information using profile data. 

The user must be able to finish the transaction quickly and easily. It is important in preventing cart abandonment problems.

8. Provide multiple payment options

Different people have different payment options. Some users prefer to pay using their credit cards to build loyalty points while some prefer cash on delivery. 

Nowadays payment via UPI has become extremely convenient for some users as it prevents fraud that would happen in the future and users don’t have to share their credit card or bank details.

Even some giant e-commerce platforms already launched their own e-wallet where users can collect money and purchase products when they want.

9. Connected TV marketing

Like humans, technology is advancing, and your TV is no exception. Since the audience is streaming their favorite shows on these smart devices, brands have initiated unique advertising techniques.

Since nearly 82% of American households have a linked device, here is your moment to take it and turn connected TV marketing into a brand-new channel that is a part of your upgraded eCommerce platform.

10. Google Analytics to your aid

If you are an owner or marketer, maybe you’ll little bit aware of Google Analytics.

If not then let me tell you.

Basically, this tool helps business owners or marketer track conversions, metrics, and other technical data.

Now that your app is swirling around the internet and users are checking out your products. But did you have any idea which products are making more sales and when most people download your app?  

If you don’t, Google Analytics can help you assess the peak performance of your app. Google Analytics is almost often listed among the features for mobile apps, and that too for good reason.

This tool ultimately will help you measure customer behavior and app performance.

Implementing these features to your app is easy, just create an account, get a code, and add it after the head tag.

11. Outstanding UI UX

This is a significant feature of any mobile application. UI and UX design ensures how your application looks and how users will interact with it. Make sure customer interaction with the app is very smooth as possible.

Users should like using your app more than the other competing applications because of how different and superior the complete experience is. 

In essence, your app should be worthwhile for anyone to invest their precious time and resources in. All the technicalities in your app such as widgets and tools are possible with UI and UX.

Read more about why UI/UX design is important for websites and mobile apps.

12. Headless e-commerce

If we dive into technicality, headless commerce is a software term that operates under the premise that the business logic (backend) and user interface (frontend) should not be integrated. 

There is no formal dependency between these two however they interact through interfaces i.e, API.

In brief, headless commerce enables enterprises to create a platform that satisfies both their present business demands and consumer expectations by offering a high amount of technological flexibility.

Basically, the three pros of using the feature of headless commerce are;

  1. Highly personalized experiences
  2. Faster integration  
  3. Less money, work, and time

13. Never forget the rating and review feature

Most common feature but highly recommended. Yes, that’s true!

95% of people read reviews and feedback on the product and then make a decision to purchase it.

Positive ratings and reviews can help users take action quickly. 

However, It is important to implement a review and feedback feature to your application so users can share their experience after using the product.

That assists your potential users in being your ideal customers.


The list is not ended up here but listed all the features in this article are essential to make your e-commerce app stand out.

Features and functionality make life easier just like making your users’ purchasing journey easier by implementing them.

But the question arises how you can come up with a mobile app for your e-commerce business that thrives digitally?

Now your search ended here, we are a leading app development company with a wide range of experienced developers who take care of your expectations and give you the output your want.

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